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Mommy's Favorite Baby Products
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Here are some of the baby products that Mommy has for me!

Favorite Bottles:


These are the Playtex Original Nursers that you use disposable liners with. Yeah, it's a bit more expensive when you have to buy the liners but it's more convenient just to be able to throw away a liner instead of washing the bottle every time you use it! 

Favorite Swing:


This is the swing Vivian Reilly got me. It's the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium Take Along Swing! It's the best, I can swing in it and watch the lights as the music plays!

Favorite Formula:


This is the Enfamil Lipil with Iron formula that Mommy gets me. It's yummy and not as thick as other formulas!

Favorite Baby Clothes:


This is where Mommy gets a lot of my clothes. They have really neat stuff! Click the picture and see for yourself!

Favorite Activity Center:


This is my Jumperoo that Mommy got for me. I love it! And when I'm not using it, Mommy's belly works as a good jumperoo too :)

Favorite Diapers:


These are Pampers Cruisers. They're really nice because the sides stretch out and my buddha belly can stretch out too!

Favorite Spoons:


These are the Gerber Infant spoons Mommy got. They are soft so they don't hurt my mouth!

Favorite Cereal:


This is the Gerber Rice Cereal that Mommy gets. I'm still getting used to it!

Favorite Highchair


This is the highchair grandpa got me. It's a Fisher Price Deluxe Healthy Care Highchair! I love it!